Modern accounting packages are not flexible enough to manage the complexities of expanding construction companies. Main contractors need systems to generate monthly subcontractor certificates among other things.
Subcontractor certificates need to be reconciled monthly to the actual payments on the accounting package. This ensures that errors are picked up before contract completion. It is vital that construction companies have a solution that enables them to manage the monthly cash flow liabilities of subcontractor retentions. Contra charging subcontractors, for site costs paid for on their behalf by the main contractor, is also an important aspect of subcontractor management.
Whimbrel’s custom designed subcontractor software typically covers the following:
- Generates subcontractor certificates
- Records this month’s, previous months’, and current month’s certificate values
- Calculates retention and quality retention figures
- Manages monthly contra charge costs
- Enables a choice of financial and subcontractor reports
- Keeps track of all subcontractor payments on one system
- Records total subcontractor costs per job
- Records subcontractor costs across all contracts
- Manages subcontractor site instructions
- Automatic Email Alerts
- Customised templates
- Keeps a historical record of all transactions
- Requests customised modules if required
Integrates software with accounting and estimating software
Integrating financial data across a construction company’s software solutions is critical. Whimbrel has developed a subcontractor management system that can combine financial data from the company’s estimating, accounting and its own subcontractor management packages to producing detailed financial reports. These reports give management accurate monthly cost comparison figures from the budgeted and the actual site costs.
Customise solutions to your needs
Whimbrel’s software solutions are fully customisable to your requirements. Any part of the solution can be altered and additional functionality added if required.
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